9A for climate!

We, the students of class 9a and our English teacher, have been basing our last lessons around one big theme: The climate crisis. As we all know the climate crisis is one oft he most discussed topics beside covid at the moment – and for good reasons: It endangers the life of us humans, it endangers nature and a lot of animals and it has to be stopped. So our teacher Mr. Burckhardt gave his best to include the theme in our English class as well as possible. We did some research and designed five big posters about how our life could look like in 15 years e.g. – the topics were technology, food, daily life, diseases and of course the climate crisis. Lastly we did a gallery walk in a big room where every group could present their topic and receive feedback. Even a colleague of Mr. Burckhardt’s came to the presentation. Before the Christmas holidays we also visited an exhibtion at the TIM. It was called „Who cares?“ and we got a great guide who showed us all the parts oft he exposition and gave some extra info. All in all it was a very interesting trip and we would have liked to see more. All in all, the lessons were great fun – and rather scary, too!

(Text von Clara Schmüser)